Jack & Jackie

the musical

“Jack & Jackie” already exists as a complete concept album, with all thirty songs professional performed by musicians and singers and arranged, recorded and mixed with Harry Williamson at the Spring Studio in Melbourne.

There are six principal singers in the musical; Jack, Jackie, Jack’s brother Bobby, Jackie’s sister Lee and a male and female journalist. Ten or more chorus members complete the cast and perform roles such as the crowd, the staff and assorted solos including Marilyn Monroe, J Edgar Hoover and The Rat Pack.

Potential stage sets can be minimalistic or elaborate depending on the budget but could include The Oval Office, The Rose Garden, a Press room or TV studio and a Las Vegas show. A large projector screen at the back of the stage could project images of some of the locations or some film of the events as the cast performs. 

The songs have been recorded with a 28-piece orchestra and have been professionally scored for a 12-piece orchestra but are also available as digitally sampled tracks or as standard MIDI computer files.

If you are interested and would like to hear more, please contact us here.

In the meantime, here is a snippet of some of the highlights.

Highlights Snippet [6’42″]

Please note: All songs have legal international copyright secured. “Jack & Jackie” has been registered with the Writers Guild of America.
Any copying, arranging, adapting, stealing, recording, sampling, public performing or broadcasting in any shape, form or size of any or all parts of the works contained herein without our express permission is an infringement of copyright and is liable under international law. Infringers will be prosecuted.